Monday, May 28, 2007

Loving Novick means never having to say you're sorry

Portland City Commish Randy Leonard lays it all out in his endorsement at BlueO of Steve Novick:

As Oregon’s next United States Senator, Steve will speak “truth to power” every day he serves in the Senate. Further, Steve’s truth will not be his truth but , rather the sacred, universal truth that is often held hostage by powerful lobbyist—lobbyists who find their strength in Senators whose service to the public has been blurred beyond recognition by too many corporate junkets and campaign contributions.

There aren’t many I will say this about, but Steve Novick could literally change the face of debate in the United States Congress. He will undoubtedly become a darling of the press corps that searches for someone who actually has something to say in response to a question like “Why are we in Iraq.” His impact upon arriving in the US Senate in January 2009 is nearly incalculable.

When TJ and I endorsed Steve, we did so believing that all of the other people who we'd considered before Novick had declined. But the more I read and hear about Steve from those who've worked with him and/or watched him in action, the more I believe that Novick isn't going to just pull off beating Gordon Smith--he's potentially going transform the US Senate.

Novick gets props from virtually everyone in Oregon politics for being intellectually wonky and strategically brilliant. But more--Novick takes on causes that no one else is watching not because its politically sexy--but because it needs to be done. And he does it in the face of lobbyists and moneychangers working against him.

This is the kind of person that Oregonians WANT in the US Senate. Steve has already raised $50,000 on ActBlue. Do yourself and all of Oregon a favor--send scratch Steve's way. Give Oregon the opportunity to have a Senator in DC whose not only going to work in our best interest--but do it in a way that makes us proud.