Monday, December 18, 2006

Hashing out Wyden's health care plan

We've been uncharacteristically silent on the issue of Senator Wyden's Healthy American's Act.

I've been quiet because I'm still reading and digesting what there is to know. The legislation itself is 166 pages (yowsa!) and the accompanying 29 pages of material from The Lewin Group is just a lot to wade through and understand. Much of the lingo and rhetoric of health care makes my eyes glaze over so I have to take my time and really read carefully.

TJ has been asking lots of questions of folks in the know via email and phone--and honestly has a greater understanding of this issue right now than I do, I think. But we're not there yet either as individuals or as a team.

I noticed today that Atrios made mention of Wyden's plan:

I've spent some time looking over Ron Wyden's health care proposal. I think it's pretty good, though not perfect. It seems like a reasonable starting point for a discussion at least. Most importantly it puts a marker down to presidential wannabes and motivates them to either support it or come up with their own.

My initial (albeit skimmingly) read through the information lends me to agree with Atrios. This is a place to start the conversation--and its one (among several) we as Oregonians and Americans-in-general must have.