Monday, July 03, 2006

Randy vs Portland media

Portland Comish Randy Leonard is volleying back and forth with The O (and presumably he'll eventually get around to The Trib).

The papers are both attacking Leonard's biodiesel proposal.

Weirdly, editorial staffs at both outlets are gushingly sweet when it comes to praising the idea of biofuels. But The O thinks Leonard is putting the thing together in a hasty, slipshod manner. The Trib staff is waxing conservative and babbling on about "market forces". As if market forces are what has kept fossil fuels in our tank--rather than government manipulation.

Between the two papers, I don't have a horse in that race. Neither are especially appealing. The O keeps its insulated, monolithic self from getting down and dirty with the little people as they gaze out over the landscape--looking for stuff and fluff to pad their pages. And The Trib is just a little too cozy with conservative business grubbers...holding tight to the same opinions as curmudgeonly bullshit artists who pollute the blogosphere.

Randy doesn't address the biofuels issue in his latest BO tome, but its easy to feel his irritation with the paper in general despite the different topic.

Just based on the dogfight part of this alone..I'm going with Randy. I hope he takes on both papers and the crap they're dishing out.

Randy is the George Kostanza of "Walker: Texas Ranger". He's tough, direct, balding and articulate. I like that a lot.

He's also pitted against entities that have a bad habit of falling on the wrong side of issues. I honestly haven't decided if Randy's biodiesel proposal is a good idea--especially when it comes down to the details.

But hell, if its shot down by the Oregonian and the Portland Tribune, it can't be all bad.