Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Carol Voi-who?

Earlier today, I received an email from Jeff Mapes of the Oregonian.

Jeff is doing a story on Oregon political bloggers and asked if I'd be willing to talk with him on the phone about LO. Since I'm easily flattered and not too tough to butter up, I readily acquiesed.

Part of our conversation centered around how the blogosphere effects elections and candidates. I mentioned that I think that there are some candidates in Oregon who could really benefit from the attention of bloggers.

Jeff seemed ready for specifics so I laid it on him. Paraphrasing:

Carla: Do you know who Carol Voisin is?

Jeff: Uh...hmm....uh....the name rings a bell. I should know.

Carla: Yeah, you should.

Jeff: I'm embarassed to say that I don't.

Carla: You shouldn't be embarrassed. Carol Voisin should be embarassed that you don't know who she is.

Jeff: Who is she?

Carla: Carol Voisin is Greg Walden's Democratic opponent in the 2nd Congressional District.

Jeff: Oh! That's right! Well, I don't cover that race. That's probably why I don't know.

Carla: Who at the Oregonian covers that race?

Jeff: Uh...uhhmm...I'm not sure...

This is absolutely no slam on Mapes. Why should he know who's covering Voisin when he doesn't even know who she is without prompting? And its not his job to know who she is per se..its Voisin's job to make sure he knows.

The fact that Mapes can't name who is covering Voisin is telling as well. Voisin is doing an absolutely reprehensible job of getting herself out there and recognized. If a guy as engaged and tuned in as Mapes doesn't know..then its sure as hell very few others do. Including those in Voisin's district.
