Thursday, October 19, 2006

Face time with WalMart's $4 drug plan

As expected, WalMart announced its four dollar prescription drug program today. According to the announcement, individuals in 14 states will now pay $4 for some generic drugs.

I spoke this afternoon with Mary Beth at Oregonians For Health Security, who mentioned rather indignantly that Republicans Billy Dalto, Jackie Winters and Ted Ferrioli all showed up for the local announcement.

Mary Beth was indignant about this for what I think is an excellent reason. Dalto, Winters and Ferrioli all voted against the Oregon Prescription Drug Program.

What a bunch of stooges. They're all for cheap drugs as long as it gets them face time in the media.

It probably doesn't hurt that PhRMA lobbyist Jim Gardner, now lobbies for WalMart, according to Mary Beth.