Thursday, April 20, 2006

Stick a fork in Boyles; VOE codes worked after all

The Blackmer Audit is in and it isn't good news for Emilie Boyles:

The City of Portland demanded Wednesday that City Council candidate Emilie Boyles return $145,000 she's recieved in public campaign money and pay at least $10,000 in additional fines.

After receiving a detailed accounting from Boyles of how she's spent her money, Auditor Gary Blackmer ruled that she violated the public financing code by taking out a year's lease on her campaign headquarters.

Candidates who qualify for taxpayer campaign help can spend the money only in the election for which they've qualified. In other words, Boyles should have only spend money she received for the primary in the primary.

One of the major promises of VOE was to reign in out of control campaign spending. This audit and the kicking in of the VOE code against Boyles did just that.

Despite rantings from VOE opposition and predictions by WW of a Boyles-Assisted VOE suicide, it appears that the current codes were enough to catch Boyles abuses. And with tweaking, VOE will continue to create opportunity for diverse candidates to run for office.

Just not the diversely corrupt kind.