Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Nothing in this world can be certain except death and bitching about taxes

Tax day is coming up next week. With that we should expect the whining onslaught of conservative rhetoric in which great pissing and moaning about taxes will ensue.

Set aside for a moment the fact that taxes are a privilege we're given as citizens of this nation and this state. We get to live in the greatest nation in the world. Those of us living in Oregon have the good fortune of living in what I think is the greatest state in the Union (and I've been to almost all of them).

Even with that privilege, Oregon ranks 41st in taxes paid per capita.

So next week when Lars is grousing and David Reinhard is bemoaning--keep in mind that as Oregonians, we're paying our dues to live here. Just as we are when we pay our federal taxes.

I for one, am more than pleased to participate in this patriotic activity.

(With props to Ben, who's quote I fudged for this post title)